Gifts For Irish Dancers Reviews In 2024

Ballet dancers have Bolshoi theatre, contemporary dancers have Martha Graham Dance Company, Cabaret dancers have Moulin Rouge, Tap dancers have Broadway..

..but what do Irish dancers have? They have The Lord of the Dance and Michael Flatley.

Your Guide

Alexandra Romanmi   Alexandra Romanmi

Recommendation For You:

Each and every dancer, regardless of the style they practice, probably ASPIRES to get to the top dance companies…

And perform along with their idols in the most well-known productions the world has seen so far.

The majority of us won’t get there from a VARIETY OF REASONS, but the point is that we don’t actually need to.

All that matters is that we still hold on to our ideals every time we step in the rehearsal room and every time the SPOTLIGHT is on and the audience is watching.

gifts for irish dancers

You should perform like you’re PERFORMING AT Bolshoi, with the Czar watching from above, even if you’re actually dancing on an improvised stage in a parking lot!

The place does not matter. The audience always deserves the best we can give them – my old Russian ballet teacher used to say.

Another important role that these FAMOUS NAMES play in our lives is the fact that THEY MAKE US FEEL like we are part of something bigger than ourselves, part of a COMMUNITY that shares the same ideals and the same creative goals.

Sometimes this sense of belonging can be achieved rather easily, through a symbol.

For example, wearing a badge with the name of a certain club/studio/theatre shows you’re belonging to that place, not necessarily because you got to work and PERFORM THERE, but because on a deeper level, YOUR IDEALS match the ideals that place represents.

You might have never even got to visit the place, but YOUR SOUL as an artist belongs to it because of the ideas it brought INTO THE WORLD.

On that note, I believe that a gift that reminds your loved ones of the BIGGEST and MOST FAMOUS Irish dance production will not only MOTIVATE THEM to become better and better at their craft

..but it will also help them to feel a sense of belonging to a bigger community.

It DOESN’T MATTER  in which corner of the world you were BORN; you’ve most assuredly heard about Flatley and his Lord of The Dance.

Written and choreographed in 1995-1996, this show is STILL TOURING ACROSS the world today BREAKING BARRIERS of:

  • Culture
  • Language
  • Charming audiences and
  • Offering Irish dancers a goal to ASPIRE TO.

I paid A VISIT to the official Lord of The Dance Merchandise website and found a couple of items that I believe your loved one will like.

I believe that AMONG THE BEST options are the official T-shirts with the Lord of The Dance Logo printed on their front.

They can be worn at rehearsals, adding that extra bit of motivation you need when things GET TIRING.

There are many color combinations available, as well as both women’s and men’s T-shirt models.

I like the red and gold combination for women, but that is simply a personal choice. You can also add a Flatley Lord Of Dance rehearsal bag to your gift to complete it.

Inscription T-shirts from their favorite Irish Dance choreographer and from the most famous Irish Dance show in the world will probably MOTIVATE ANY DANCER to be better, work harder and achieve the level of performance that their idols display EACH TIME they go on stage.

It has the same effect as band T-shirts have on young musicians and music lovers.

Not that you’ve asked, but I do have an impressive collection of band T-shirts (Metallica still rocks!), so I know IT WORKS.

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