Ace Your Game Without the Pain: A Guide to Choosing the Best Tennis Shoes for Back Pain

  Your Guide

Gavin Davison

Gavin Davison

My recommendation:

Everything is connected in the body during exercise.

To stay pain-free, we have to have strength in every single area, but sadly, that’s not always possible, despite how hard we try.

Best Tennis Shoes For Back Pain

Besides knee pain and heel pain, one of the most common areas to experience pain due to exercise and life, in general, is through OUR BACKS.

This doesn’t even apply specifically to exercise in many cases.

In the world we live in today, many people are chained to a desk for hours on end, and back pain can emerge from simply sitting down for too long each day.

Of course, you can also get back pain due to exercise, and more often than not, this pain can directly affect the lower back.

While it’s not always avoidable, we can at least control what tennis shoes to wear to help with this problem.

What To Look For

Pain in the back can stem from either skeletal or muscular issues, but the fact remains if you are having pain – you are having pain.

It’s as simple as that, but I believe that tennis shoes have evolved to such a point these days that they can at least help with these kinds of ailments. 

Specifically for back pain, you should seek out tennis shoes that are shock-absorbent and stable.

Unfortunately, during high-impact exercise, much of the pressure CAN RUN directly through YOUR BACK, which can cause pain and discomfort.

You can at least try to reduce that pain through finding tennis shoes that will absorb the initial impact through your feet, as this will, in turn, create less tension in the back.

With that in mind, I would highly recommend looking for shoes with a thick sole even if they don’t specifically have shock-absorbent technology built into them.

Then in terms of stability, this is vital as you want to keep your feet in a natural and relatively straight position during exercise.

This prevents any further pain felt in the back due to over-rotation, hyper-extension, and other movements that won’t benefit you in any way.

As I’ve said throughout this article, you can’t put a price on being fit and healthy. This is particularly true with back injuries, as these can prove to be some of the most problematic of all.

With all of this in mind, I do have a pair of tennis shoes that I’d like to suggest for you below.

Recommendation For You – Prince T22

This is the only Prince shoe that I’ve recommended in this article, but believe me, there are some strong reasons why this pair makes a fantastic set of tennis shoes.

To kick things off, the Prince T22’s have reinforced straps around the middle of the shoe, keeping your feet tightly in place and preventing unintended movement.

These tennis shoes also have a very thick sole that naturally absorbs plenty of vibration, but there is more too.

Prince has its own patented technology in the heel known as ShockEraser, which provides an awesome cushion to stop vibration and tension.

There is also additional technology used in the front of this shoe known as SoftSpring PU, which provides an added layer of protection around the toes.

I haven’t seen too many shoes that offer such extensive shock-absorption in all areas, which is perhaps why these shoes are incredibly popular with tennis players that I coach today.

They are also a nice neutral color as you can see, so they are suitable for both male and female players.

Best Men’s Tennis Shoes For Back Pain

Best Women’s Tennis Shoes For Back Pain

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